jueves, 4 de octubre de 2007

Movies & Music

One of my favourites movies is "The Butterfly Effect"(2004) The title is a reference to the butterfly effect, which theorises that a change in something seemingly innocuous, such as a flap of a butterfly's wings, may cause unexpected larger changes in the future, such as a tornado. The Butterfly Effect is directed and written by Eric Bress and J. Mackye Gruber.
Evan Treborn (Ashton Kutcher), who suffered severe traumas as a boy (Logan Lerman) and a teenager (John Patrick Amedori), copes with the pain by blacking out at moments of high stress. While searching for an answer to heal his emotional wounds, he finds that when he reads from his adolescent journals, he travels back in time.There are consequences of his choices.

Another one is "Requiem for a Dream". Its a very interesting movie about drugs. The story's main characters are mother and son, Sara (Burstyn) and Harry Goldfarb (Leto), Harry's girlfriend Marion Silver (Connelly), and Harry's friend Tyrone C. Love (Wayans). The film adaptation was directed by Darren Aronofsky, and starred Ellen Burstyn, Jared Leto, Jennifer Connelly, and Marlon Wayans. Burstyn was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance.

Elvis prestley is already King of Rock and Roll. He became such a great singer because of his voice and great presence on the stage. His career soon took off , besides, he took part in a Tv programme. All of theese captivated the teenage audience. In 1977 he died as a result of a cardiovascular disease.

Eric Clapton had been in 3 different music bands, the Yardbirds later with Cream and finally he decided to be a single artist. Clapton took up the guitar at age 15 and created his first group, The Roosters. His grip with the guitar is known in everyworld. Layla , tears in heaven , cocaine are some of the most famous songs.

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